Improving an Organization's Engagement and Agility through Evidence-based Product Support

By William B. Winkel


rganizations establish standard product development processes to proactively optimize performance versus profit. Howeve r, the impact of insufficient

quality or reliability are dealt with reactively and often late in the development process. The primary objective for evidence-based modeling is to transition from process measurement to control, by minimizing defect/lesson recurrence through early detection/correction with

accountability for prevention directed to affected functional groups. This allows each to improve its proce dures , tools , and training based upon documented and validated evidence.

The model dictates that each organization has development and corrective processes operating in parallel across the product lifecycle. Each contributes metrics

that measure an org anization 's reputation , i.e ., profit versus value.

The corrective process continually docume nts, valid ates , c orrec ts , and communicates lessons. It identifies the

need for strategic tools to short-cycle functional silos that deter agility through the delay of functional bureaucracy Evidence shows that the parameters of the value metrics tie results to the capability of functional groups instantiated to develop products.

The initial results of applying Evidence-based practices and value driven metrics were presented to a Department of Defense (DoD) working group as value-added for

DoD contractors (see note 1). Howeve r, evidence-based practices are equally applicable to any organization developing products.

The following presents the value proposition in terms of what experience has shown are significant points to consider when the goal is to improve engagement and




Bradleys , Inc . , one of the n ation 's leading electric motor repair and load testing fac ilities , will offe r Evidence­ Based Product Support Training and a shop tour with William B. Winkel in its new state- of- the- ar t training cente r.

The training will be held on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, from 8:30 - 11:30am. The training is open to all who create , manage , or exe cute p olicies , p rocesses , or work instructions that d rive organiza tional change . Se ating is limited , p lease register today

For more information or to registe r, visit or call 361. 643. 0100 .

Requirements, -








Product Improvement




Figure 1: Closed-loop organizational model

agility by transitioning from process measurement to control.


Managing evidence to quantify Value metrics impacts the organization's structure and engages employees across the organization. Kotter

states that a value-proposition is to be understood and supported by as many as 75 percent of the

organization's executives (see note 2). Evidence-based Organizations (EbO) defines "value-add ed" from a top-down perspective, while Evidence-based Product Support (EbS) presents the upward value

of a mathema tical , process, and tool driven approach to controlling product performance while improving performance, process es , and agility (see note 3).


The goal is to establish a structured methodology for maturing the organization and realizing the benefits of a closed-loop business model that ties centers-of-functional­ excellence to the organization's value-metrics. Value metrics measure functional performance , quality, and reliability, which enables targeted process improvement

and the creation of strategic development tools to breakdown the communication barriers (silos) inherent in process-driven organizations (see note 4). The methodology categorizes defects

based upon the physical and process attributes of failure to measure quality and reliability contiguously across the product lifecycle.


Figure 1 presents the EbS model for organizational maturity. The product development cycle is redefined

as a simple closed loop system. Purposefully defined value metrics are key to achieve long-term performance, quality, and reliability goals. Value metrics are defined with parameters that are observable, reachable , and controllable from within the organization.

The Input-Collect external requirements and assume the risks of creating or evolving a product to provide customer value.

The Value Metrics-Provide statistically optimized initial quality and long-term reliability to satisfy the customer and the organization.

Product Development-Functional

groups operate in parallel during

product development. Strategic tools break down the "silos" created by deficiencies attributable to intra­ organizational social networks.

Product Improvement Via Correction-Each product team periodically meets to discuss the issues related to product

improvement. Objectives include:

  1. detect, document, classify; and validate defects,

  2. define root cause and corrective action for identified trends ,

  3. map , then disseminate product and process lessons to their points of escape, and

  4. identify the need for strategic tools necessary to 'sew' together the disparate outcomes across functional silos.

Closing the Loop-Product teams independently execute the Corrective process for their given products. The Corrective process, however, is standardized and managed from a central function

with goals that are independent from those of Product Development. The loop is closed through a system of three levels of equations.

The first level defines counting processes that normalize defects across the product lifecycle. A second layer combines legacy results with current manufacturing results to:

  1. project risk and reliability for new products and,

  2. provide measurement of functional capability for the functional processes instantiated to develop products.

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Maintenance Effectiveness

Operational Months

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Figure 2: Strategic tool for corrective process

The development of the third layer is on-going. It combines results to form a Bayesian belief network that systematically predicts the probability of a field escape based upon decisions make during design, manu fact uring , and field maintenance.

Value Metric Example-Figure 2 shows an example of a value metric , representing a departure from standard reliability growth projections. Non-homogeneous algorithms work in parallel to:

  1. track defects based upon failure modes derived from the repair process,

  2. mix reliability of the failing defect population with the reliability of modified replacements,

  3. quantify the expected sub-population size via binomial sampling, and

  4. project operational hours into the future.

Proprietary parameters enable quality and reliability to be controlled via corrections incorporated at the lowest levels of assembly. Results are then automatically rolled-up across sub-assemblies to project product improvement over time.

Strategic Tools-Strategic tools provide automated data entry, analysis, and results reporting. Thus , providing alignment of core competencies and requirements for functional training (see note 5). At completion, each employee can quantify the contribution its function brings to the organization based upon that func tion 's ability to learn and prevent defects from escaping to the customer.


Corrective Tools-Provide the product team with four attributes of value:

  1. to perform "what if " testing to control/optimize value metrics for their product,

  2. feed lessons back to the organization's processes via a mapping of defects to the Organization's process tree.

  3. define requirements for Preventive tools.

  4. utilize observable, reachable, and controllable parameters to know where each product is relative to (a) performance, reliability, and quality; (b) how

they got here based upon previous decisions; and (c) where they will be based upon future decisions.

Tool Description

Risk Planning

Identify. document, and mitigate product support risks. Includes new design configurations, materials, component technologies, and manufacturing processes.

Product Support Optimization

Algorithmically optimize desired reliability against built-in versus manual fault isolation.

Durability Analysis

Identify failure mechanisms that products are most susceptible to, develop life models, equate cycle-based to time-based life models of reliability.

Acceptance Test Design

Integrate durability results with available test data to quantify reliability risk against goals.

Lessons Learned

Quantify functional capability related to allowed escapes versus continuous improvement.

Table 1: Preventive strategic tools

Preventive Tools-A stated objective of the corrective process is to drive previously identified risk out of product development and dissolve functional silos. Table 1 provides examples of tools developed to integrate functions associated with product supp ort,

d es ign , and manufacturing across the product lifecycle.


A structured model is presented that has two paths. The development path creates products while a corrective path improves the products and

processes instantiated to develop those products. Value metrics are defined with parameters tied to the capability of the organiza tion 's functional groups. Control groups manage corrective action to completion while strategic tools

dissolve functional silos. Preventive and corrective tools measure

each function 's capability to learn

and correct functional deficiencies. The closed-loop process enables individual participation with contributions measurable at the product and functional levels within the organization.


. Bill Winkel, Payam Motab ar, "The Emergence of Evidence­ based Product Sup port," July

25 , 2018 , DoD Industry Working Group , PowerPoint presentation.

Presentation available upon request.

  1. John P Kotte r, "Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail," Harvard Busin e ss Re vie w , May-June 1995: pages 1-14.

  2. "Product sup port" is defined as functional core competencies related to quality; reliability; maintainability; logistics ,

and safety.

4.A "silo " is defined as a social boundary that stifles communication between two

or more functional groups. They are inherent in cost and schedule constrained product development activities.

5. Strategic tools are those developed internally to provide proprietary functions not provided by the commercially available third-party tools.


William B. Winkel, B.S. electrical engineering, M.S. reliability engineering, has over thirty years of experience in the field of evidence­ based engineering and corrective processes. The experience has spanned multiple industries to include automotive, commercia,land national defense. He provides consulting services to companies seeking to enhance and implement strategies to ensure and quantify success. For more information, visit or email [email protected].



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